The female dress of Arabic world mostly of Saudi Arabian is strictly in accordance with hijab. The dress in the both is loose and long and it is mainly due to the hot tropical region. The men’s usual garment is thawb a loose outer dress of the length that reaches ankles. It is made of wool or cotton. With keffiyeh that is the square cotton cloth wrapped around the head or ghutra which is just gung from the head fixed by Igal (igal) black rope-like cord (cord coil). In the cold season camel-hair cloak (bisht) is largely used in Arabic world. Bisht is the long black cloak like a gown with usually golden strip on the corner. It is equally worn by he women. Clothes for the women are decorated with tribal motifs, sequins, coins, appliqués and metallic threads. Abaya an Arabic long cloak for women is quite popular for the public use.
The dresses above are further explained here.
That is
the scarf like usually cotton piece that is used to be wrapped around the head in quite different ways. It
is the square cloth with different patterns. Since the Arab world is the symbol
of Islam and it is copied in the other Muslim countries too that is why the fashion
of Ghutrah is introduced in other Muslim countries as well. It is used by the imams
of the mosques or by the men of some religious frame of mind. Since this is the
traditional dress article of Arabic world and one of the great purposes it
serves is to protect one’s head from having direct exposure to the sun. Arabs
also wear sunglasses for the same purpose. Ghutrah is also used as handkerchief
to protect mouth and eyes from the dust of the desert.
Agal is the round black rope like cord which
is coiled up and fixed on the head to hold Ghutrah from falling. Its colour is generally
black and worn in the large scale. Nearly everyone in Middle East uses it.
Thawb is the Arabic word used for the garment.
It is just like robe and equally lengthy. Mainly on account of the hot season in
all the countries of Middle East thawb is loosely fitted garment, so that it may not be worm.
This is the Arabic cloak. There is the
hallmark of great difference between Bisht and Thawb. Thawb is used as shirt whereas
Bisht is the upper garment as cloak. It is Arabic formal dress which is
preferred to be worn in the formal occasions. Its exact counterpart in the
other parts of the world including Pakistan is gown, which too is of the same size
and colour. The differences are that the gown is the internationally used and
recognized dress whereas Bisht is traditional dress of Arabic world and is made
of camel-hair. Bisht is equally worn by the women. One of its conventional use
is in the wedding ceremonies.
Abaya is only for the women. It is the
long cloak, like bisht usually in black. It is the loose garment worn in outdoor.
It covers entire body except head, and to cover head and face women use niqab.